school principal made unproffesional remarks about my appearance


New Member
i am a man with long hair. i work a job that sometimes requires me to assist my companys delivery drivers with large deliveries. had a delivery for a local school. was unloading the supplies into a storage shed 100 yards behind the building. never entered the school. the principal of the school pulled up and started talking to the janitor as he was supervising us unload the supplies. a week later my boss who is is good friends with the janitor told me the principal remarked "what the hell was that thing"? referring to me and my long hair after we had left. i found the remark inappropriate, unprofessional ,and discriminatory. anything i can do to get him removed from his position ? someone that judgmental and cruel should not be in charge of children in my opinion. i imagine it may be tricky since it was told to me through third persons. any options i have ?
Any options?

Yes, ignore comments that you find unflattering.
Otherwise, there's nothing you can do because he expressed an opinion about you.
If you keep yapping, you just might lose your company the account.
No, there is nothing you can do to get him removed from his position. It may or may not have been unprofessional - that is a matter of opinion. But he has a right under the law to state his opinion.

The most you can do is report his comment to the school superintendent. You WILL NOT be told what, or even whether, any action is taken. But you may most decidedly be certain that the MOST that will happen is that he is told not to say something like that again.
and discriminatory.

Sure, it's discriminatory. He discriminated against people with long hair.

But there's nothing illegal about that.

People with long hair are not a protected class under anti-discrimination laws.

By the way, you want him to lose his job because his opinion. How would you like to lose yours because of your opinion?

i found the remark inappropriate, unprofessional ,and discriminatory. anything i can do to get him removed from his position ? someone that judgmental and cruel should not be in charge of children in my opinion

That's a pretty nasty opinion.

My advice: Chill out and stop being so sensitive.
I can guarantee you this will not get the Principal removed. You can report it to the system, but one off hand comment made to a third party, not around any students or in the course of his duties is so low on the list of priorities of things to address, I doubt anything will ever come of it. Principals are humans and just as entitled to their opinions as any other human. Those in education are not required to act like Pollyanna 24/7.
Your best option is probably to let it go. It wasn't illegal & I can't see where reporting it is going to get him removed from his position.
Is it being assumed i am Caucasian ? My father is african american and my mother is italian.I try to avoid the double standard thing but i fear something more sinister to his comment. He was Caucasian himself. Or still not much to this other than his freedom of opinion ?
Is it being assumed i am Caucasian ? My father is african american and my mother is italian.I try to avoid the double standard thing but i fear something more sinister to his comment. He was Caucasian himself. Or still not much to this other than his freedom of opinion ?

Your race, ethnicity, religion, sexual persuasion, gender identity, size, shape, handicaps, intelligence, marital status, skin color, hair length, educational level, criminal record, nothing matters.

You're free to feel the way you feel.

You can choose to remain hurt and damaged for life.

The courts won't care, even if he walked up to you and said, you smell like a rotting pound of whale blubber.

That's his opinion.

If you think you look glamorous with long hair, no hair, short hair, colored hair, wear your hair your way.

However, not everyone will care for it, and there are many dumb enough to comment on it if you're out in the public view.

If I were you, I'd move on.


Because, even if you heard him say it, insults aren't actionable under law.

As far as race is concerned, black is white, red is yellow, brown is grey, blue is maroon, etc... All you know is the race you CLAIM. What he appeared to be to you, sir, represents YOUR biased view, too!!!!