Scarred as a child

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New Member
As a young child about 5-6 I had an operation in Michigan on my penis that required the hole to be made larger in order to urinate in a normal manner. In doing so the doctor(s) made the hole to large, in my opinion, as well as 2 unnecessary cuts perpendicular to the main hole. Ever since that operation I have not been able to urinate standing up with out spraying everywhere, forcing me to have to sit to urinate. This has made me very self conscious about using public restrooms, as well as any situation where my penis my have been seen by others. Now that I am 33 with a son, I am really mad that I can not potty train him in a manner that most other fathers would. I guess my question is, since this surgery was such a long time ago has the statute of limitations run out on a filing a lawsuit. Thanks for any response.
The answer is yes. Most states require that you file a claim within 1 - 2 years of the incident and some 3 to 5 years from its discovery. Good Luck!
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