Scared for my 16 month old grandson!

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I live in NY, but my grandson lives in Michigan with his mother(my daughter) 4 days a week, his father 3 days a week. Divorce is final as of the other day, but judge will decide in 10 days if current custody order will remain the same or not. My daughter was a drug user and was on methadone treatment during pregnancy. I believe my daughter to be still using drugs even though she is taking zaboxone medication to help her not have cravings for drugs. She has been arrested for steeling and is on probation for a year. She has been legally evicted from my ex-husbands home and is living with her boyfriend. I beleive she loves my grandson with all her heart, but she makes poor choices! Her ex-husband is crazy too, I feel as if my grandson should be in a more stable environment. His father just thinks of him as a possession and doesn't care if he has custody or if the state does. He has called child protective services several times with false accusations regarding my grandsons welfare and my daughter. CPS has threatened them both now, saying anymore calling them for no ligitimate reason will lead to court next time and my grandson being put in foster care. I don't know what to do! I live so far away, and attorney fees are not affordable at this time. I spoke to cps worker and she told me that because I live out of their state that a judge would not give me temporary custody or full custody/ guardianship. Would I need a NY lawyer or a Michigan lawyer??? Please help me save my grandson from stupid parents and the system!
You'd want a Michigan attorney to help you since all the proceedings are in Michigan. Being granted out of state custody can be tricky but you will want to take a look at "grandparents rights" which is a part of family law. I've been personally involved in cases where grandparents have been able to obtain custody of their grandchildren - even out of state. I see the hearing is later this week and I hope you've been able to obtain suitable representation. Best of luck to you and most especially your grandchild. It bothers me tremendously to read posts like yours where the innocent grow up in such a poor home without the proper amount of love and affection and must overcome these issues to succeed.
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