rules of signing over rights...

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New Member
My four year old daughter's father thinks that if he signs his rights over to me then he will still have to pay child support...I don't believe that is true. I assume that he wants to sign his rights over or he wouldn't have any ideas at all as far as what the rules are about it. I'd like to find a place where there is some documentation of how signing over rights works. He is more and more of a bad parent as time goes by, and my daughter has had strange unexplainable physical things like bruises, and sometimes she tells me he and his girlfriend have caused these things and no one will listen or do anything about it! He has her weekends and I have called child protective services repeatedly what more can I do?????
A TPR doesn't automatically stop a CS obligation; just parental rights, visitation, etc. TPR's can be hard to get unless there is a stepparent adopting. The guidelines for TPR vary by state. You have to prove that a TPR is in the best interest of the child.

If your child has abnormal bruising when returning from the NCP's home, you might want to consider taking the child to the doctor for documentation. And of need to document EVERYTHING!
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