Assault & Battery Roane County, TN, Order of no contact questions

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I live in low income apartment building in Tennessee. Several weeks ago another man who lives on the same floor of the same building as I do pulled a knife on me following a debate. While he was waving the knife around I actually stood there long enough to ask what in retrospect now seems to be an incredibly stupid question, "Are you threatening with me that?" To which he replied oddly enough, "Yes, I am.". I said, "that's a mistake" and turned and walked directly to the office. As I retreated I watched him over my shoulder long enough to see him fold the knife and exit the front door of our building near where we had been standing. The building manager claims she believes me and even has reason to think he passed the knife to another individual before she approached him. However, both the manager and the police say it boils down to his word or mine and there's nothing either can do. I filed a police report and took it to a judge who issued a summons accompanied with an order of no contact for the man who wielded the knife. He has been served with the summons and order of no contact and even took it to the office and showed the manager. There is a seating area out front (adjacent to the front door), of the apartment building where he continues to sit out front monitoring my coming and goings and hawk-eying me. He also sits out there and bad mouths me to my neighbors, claiming (among other things) I'm crazy and falsely accusing him. Yesterday, I went to walk my dog and while I was walking my dog he got up from the table to talk to friends. They stood and talked and blocked the front of the walkway where I had to walk around them to get back in the building. What if he gets on the elevator while I'm on elevator? Here's the definition of the order I have found on the net:

The no contact order of protection prohibits the seven forms of abuse above, and also prohibits the defendant from coming about the plaintiff (coming within eye-shot of the plaintiff, where ever she/he may be). That means at home, at work, on the public streets, or anywhere else. It prohibits driving by the plaintiff's home, her/his job site, or any place where she/he is.
The judge further stipulated this:

This order of protection is the same as the no contact order of protection, but additionally prohibits all forms of communication from the defendant to the plaintiff. No telephone calls, mail, fax, pager messages, e-mail, or messages sent through third persons. Of course, messages via attorney-to-attorney contact are acceptable.

Admittedly, I'm confused , the no contact order seems very unclear or skewed when living in the same building as the offender. Can anyone please tell me what my rights are? Is he allowed to come physically close to me? How does the order work while he lives in the same building as I do? Thank you in advance for your help.
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I live in low income apartment building in Tennessee. Several weeks ago another man who lives on the same floor of the same building as I do pulled a knife on me following a debate. While he was waving the knife around I actually stood there long enough to ask what in retrospect now seems to be an incredibly stupid question, "Are you threatening with me that?" To which he replied oddly enough, "Yes, I am.". I said, "that's a mistake" and turned and walked directly to the office. As I retreated I watched him over my shoulder long enough to see him fold the knife and exit the front door of our building near where we had been standing. The building manager claims she believes me and even has reason to think he passed the knife to another individual before she approached him. However, both the manager and the police say it boils down to his word or mine and there's nothing either can do. I filed a police report and took it to a judge who issued a summons accompanied with an order of no contact for the man who wielded the knife. He has been served with the summons and order of no contact and even took it to the office and showed the manager. There is a seating area out front (adjacent to the front door), of the apartment building where he continues to sit out front monitoring my coming and goings and hawk-eying me. He also sits out there and bad mouths me to my neighbors, claiming (among other things) I'm crazy and falsely accusing him. Yesterday, I went to walk my dog and while I was walking my dog he got up from the table to talk to friends. They stood and talked and blocked the front of the walkway where I had to walk around them to get back in the building. What if he gets on the elevator while I'm on elevator? Here's the definition of the order I have found on the net:

The no contact order of protection prohibits the seven forms of abuse above, and also prohibits the defendant from coming about the plaintiff (coming within eye-shot of the plaintiff, where ever she/he may be). That means at home, at work, on the public streets, or anywhere else. It prohibits driving by the plaintiff's home, her/his job site, or any place where she/he is.
The judge further stipulated this:

This order of protection is the same as the no contact order of protection, but additionally prohibits all forms of communication from the defendant to the plaintiff. No telephone calls, mail, fax, pager messages, e-mail, or messages sent through third persons. Of course, messages via attorney-to-attorney contact are acceptable.

Admittedly, I'm confused , the no contact order seems very unclear or skewed when living in the same building as the offender. Can anyone please tell me what my rights are? Is he allowed to come physically close to me? How does the order work while he lives in the same building as I do? Thank you in advance for your help.

Common sense and the law tells me that he has to make an effort to avoid you.
You must also do the same.
You reside on the same premises.
That is going to be tough.
I suggest you contact your local prosecutor's office for specific guidance on your question.
Your local police or sheriff's office could shed some answers on your dilemma.
He won't be forced to move, if that's what you're asking.
Neither will you.
The best advice I can give you, is avoid him.
People that pull knives often use them.
That court order isn't made of Kevlar and neither are you!!!!!
Army judge, you made some valid points I have no intention of ignoring. I never would have thought of contacting the prosecutors office for the finer details. I really do need to double my efforts to avoid the person altogether. I can't thank you enough for your time and moreover, sound advice.
Army judge, you made some valid points I have no intention of ignoring. I never would have thought of contacting the prosecutors office for the finer details. I really do need to double my efforts to avoid the person altogether. I can't thank you enough for your time and moreover, sound advice.

I'm glad you found my response to be helpful.
People like you are the reason I volunteer my time to answer legal questions.
You are more than welcome.
That is awful, and it sounds like the burden of avoidance is falling more on you, the victim, than it should. IMHO, it sounds like he's purposely harassing you, and not making any effort to avoid you, as the court order specifies. I would definitely contact the prosecutor and let them know what's going on. It totally sounds like he's violating the order!
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