Assault & Battery road rage

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What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?TX. OK, a woman cut me off in her car. After exchanging multiple hand signals with each other, I exited my truck at the next traffic signal and began yelling at the woman. While yelling, some spit sprayed onto her face and she became even more furious than she already was. She exited her vehicle and came after me when I tried to get back to my truck. When I turned to face her she made an attempt to spit in my face. When she spit I raised the palm of my hand to block it. At the same time she lunged fwd to spit her nose or lips made contact with the palm of my hand. I t was not a hard or firm contact at all, and she bacame even more enraged than she was before. She got my tag# and called local police and told them that I struck her. When they questioned me I assured them I did nothing of the sort. My options are pay a $450 fine w/ assault class "c" on my record, or go speak to a prosecuter at the local jp courthouse. I dont know if any whitnesses came fwd for her, she took off pretty fast because traffic started rolling. I have a clean record, should I speak to or retain an attorney should I choose to tell my side of the story to a prosecuter? Can a misdemeanor assault be expunged from record after a certain period of time?
Hire an experienced attorney so s/he can negotiate the charges against you. In today's day and age, one cannot take chances when it comes to anything that will ruin your clean record. Good Luck!
If she is not local, it is unlikely she will appear and they will have to drop the charges. I also suggest anger management class, people will shoot you. I have seen it happen.
Cant afford one. Finances already strained. I'm a 37 yr old aircraft mechanic, never been in trouble before. My wife thinks I'm worrying too much. It's a midemeanor charge. Wife thinks if it was serious enough the deputy would've arrested that morning, or I would'nt have been given the option to pay a $450 fine and be done w/it, although I'd have a class c misdemeanor assault on my record. The impression I got from the deputy was that he beleived my story more than hers. He also mentioned I'd been more cooperative than she. I just really dont know what to do.
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