rights of husband if wife is under others care

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My wife is in WVa. under hospis care "Cancer" at her daughters home and all status of her condition has been cut off to me. What right as her husband do I have and who should I contact to get infomation released. Hospis states to call the family the daughter has blocked the phone # and Im in Texas
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Your wife would have to allow the doctors/nurses/hospice to release that information to you in writing. She may have disallowed release in the same manner. If your wife is not able to make decisons regarding her own care a guardian would need to be appointed by the court and due to your location that would probably be her daughter.
Is your wife incapacitated? Do you know if she signed any papers regarding how her care was to be managed and by whom? The problem with answering this question is we don't have all the facts to adequately address the issues. Medical professionals and places are barred by law on giving out medical information on a patient unless they have the consent of the patient to do so.
yes according to the last time I was able to talk to her she gave myself and her daughter Emer. medical appointment over her. Now that she is in the coma stage her daughter has cut me from all info and status. Short of going back there to press the issue is there nothing I can do from here to get the status info release
There is probably some prohibition to releasing information over the phone but you can try and call again, and talk to the administrator of the hospice, fax them a copy of the papers and see if they can help you. Explain what you have explained, how the daughter is not allowing you access although you have been given the rights.
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