Rights in living together

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New Member
I bought my first home in November of 2005. My boyfriend and his 18 yr old son moved in. Shortly thereafter, he got sick with complications in Diabetes.

The house is in my name only and it was a verbal agreement that we would both put half the money which is $1500 each to cover both mortgages and utilities. Well, my fiance did not honor his end of the deal...some months he could only give me $1000, other months just $500. He also rang up credit card debt and owes me for that as well which is $12K. I'm tired and want out of the relationship, but he feels he is entitled to profit, if I sell the house as I cannot cover the mortgages by myself. Or he feels entitled to have his rent paid back while he lived in this house.

Am I obligated to pay him back for the money he gave me as his portion of the house/rent even though the house is in my name only??
Absolutely not. I have no idea where he gets the idea that he is entitled to any part of that house. If he lived in a normal apartment, he would not get his rent back if he moved out. Same thing applies. He lives with you, he has to pay rent or help out with the bills.

First of all, stop loaning him money and close any joint credit cards since this relationship is coming to an end.

You might want to research landlord/tenant laws in your state because you might have to formally evict him. You could write out a letter giving him 30 days notice to move out and that might work.

Rent is rent. He has to pay it while him and his child live in that house. That house is yours, not his and he has no rights to it.
Q: Am I obligated to pay him back for the money he gave me as his portion of the house/rent even though the house is in my name only??

A: No.
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