reporter interviewed me - then left out my side

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New Member
I think I have a case of defamation - actual malice. A local news reporter interviewed me because I had filed a police report on my 5-yr old neighbor. The story that aired biased people in favor of the child. My "interview" that contained the story behind my actions was completely left out in the piece that aired for four days. When people recognize me or my name, I tell them the rest of the story. They agree that the news program was unfair. The child had come to see if my daughter could play. When my son told him, "No, its getting late. She's already taking a bath." The child went over to my open windows and started yelling. I closed the windows, so he proceded to "climb" my front door. I opened the door to tell him to go home. He reacted by saying, "I'm going to hit you." He curled up both his fists and proceded to swing at me. The first two I manage to dodge. The third time he swung I told him, "We're done for the night and you need to go home." Reaching behind me, I started to close the door and that's when he managed to make contact. My husband, prior to his death, was the maintenance man for the property, so as he would have done I reported it to the leasing agent the next day. She told me to call the police. This sounded crazy, so I called my dad who is retired law enforcement. He said file a complaint through the non-emergency number. Your starting to have "real problems." The news station's attorneys and assistant news director hide behind, "We just reported the facts." The attorney claims "the News Reports are in accordance with applicable laws and are not actionable." From the first day this "program" aired, the bloggers and phone in comments were about my questionable intelligence, since they assumed I called 911, doudted my injury because the didn't read the policeman's comments noting the bruising on my arm. One person even wrote, "she must have done something to him." How can this be "not actionable" or "fair and balanced" as their promotional advertisements say if I was not given equal voice? As I told the assistant news director, I know the report was truthful but it wasn't right from an ethical point of view. :confused:
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