Repair Shop Negligence




I was in a car accident over a year ago and my car was totaled from the front. My full coverage insurance sent my car to a body shop of my choosing and my car still has not been repaired. The insurance opened a claim for my accident, sent a claim adjuster to look at the damages and provide the repair shop a check for the full repair (of which was caused that same week they received it). I have been back and forth with both the insurance company and repair shop and they both give me the run around and nothing is being done. I have been paying my car payments monthly since my accident and I am still carless and without a rental. The repair shop owner said that he had some problems wit his shop and that he does have the parts to fix my car but that he will eventually but that he has no money right now. The insurance doesn't answer my phone calls and I am tired of paying my monthly bill only to know I still don't have a car. Do I have a case?
Talk to a LICENSED CALIFORNIA lawyer in person, ASAP.