Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse ReOpen for Dismissal

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I was able to obtain a hearing to re-open a case from 1997 for dismissal for what they call a local pardon. I have received positive feedback from the District Attorney and the Judge that is hearing the case as he was the DA at the time. I am representing myself and have been able to file the appropriate motions and gain the proper character references to support the hearing. This is only being requested because I have a awesome opportunity to further my career and dont want a decision that I take full ownership for, which was marijuana related from my age of 18. I am looking for someone to review my talking points and give any feedback they may deam appropriate.

Talking Points for Court Hearing

Having the opportunity to reach my goals both professionally and personally is a driving force in my life. Having the opportunity to further my career and continue to grow in the amount of impact that I can have on hundreds of lives both professionally and personally. Being able to continue to grow my career domestically and possible opportunities abroad will give me the experience that I want and need to be able to continue education to enter the education field. Becoming an instructor has always been a dream and goal of mine, being able to receive the opportunity to do this is the positive goals and career patching that i am working towards.
I made and take ownership of the decisions I made as a teenager and was a success story from the experiences that I had, I took the experiences that I went through as a youth and worked hard to change the perceptions of who I was and who I was going to be. Having the opportunity to further that perception change is key.
I have worked hard to achieve what I have been able to reach, albeit people telling me that I can't do it, I have reached many goals that I have set for myself by setting Smart Goals, I assure that I make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, TIme Bound…. I graduated High School, learned from my mistakes, Graduated College, and have continued to grow in an organization that employees thousands of people from La Crosse to Phoenix Arizona. Through proving my integrity by doing the right thing when no one is watching and dedication to performance I have grown into my first professional Smart Goal by being chosen as the Operations Manager for a launch site in Phoenix Arizona. I have set a new Smart Goal to become General Manager within 18 months and have been given the opportunity to grow by managing the finances, hiring, and development of management and employees alike as this is part of my training to achieve my goal. That being said my goal will most likely include traveling abroad to continue to gain the knowledge I need to have a larger impact in the community that I am chosen to employ. This all leads to furthering my education as a educator.
I have no trepidation and have complete confidence in requesting Case Number 97CF000488 be re opened and dismissed or charges reduced to open up the key to the Attainable part of my smart goal.

As you can see by the character letters that you have received the sentiment is not only my own but that of co workers, management and family.

Please approve my request to have the case in question dismissed or reduced to continue to make an impact.
I didn't bother reading ALL of that wordy post.
But, I saw no mention of remorse, contrition, or an apology for using dope. Courts also like to see you rebuke illegal drug use, and want to know what classes about illegal drug use you've completed. A court also likes to see you've been drug free for XXX days, and that you're ACTIVELY involved in and working a program to prevent falling back into being a dope fiend. Yes, a court likes to see you defile the old dope fiend you once were. That shows them you that you never want to abuse any drugs again. Finally, proof that you attend AA (or another respected program) twice a day, four times a week also looks good.

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