Appeal, Pardon, Motion, Writ remove from sex offender registry


New Member
Hello, Im trying to find ways to get of the sex offender registry, It happen when i was 19 in the army on vaction, i was sentence as a youthful offender, and Adjudication Withheld. charges was attempt lewd and travel to meet minor. basically i got screwed over, there was no real person, i was sent a pic of a adult person but they say they sent a message saying they were 14 which i didn't see . that's is just one of the shady thing happen during my case. Any advice will be helpful
Ah yes, the old "I didn't read the message where they claimed to be 14" saga. We seem to encounter those a lot on this board. You don't say when this was, what you were convicted of, if you went to trial, took a plea deal, or how long you are required to register.
I'm guessing that you will need a court order allowing yourself to be removed from the register.

You'll need an attorney for that.
Once you acquire the mark of a child molester, sexual predator, or sexual attacker it adheres to you even when you assume room temperature.

There's very little chance of getting a name off of that list.
it happened in 2013, i only had 3 years probation, i went to trial, there no date stating how long i have to register, I wasn't convicted of any charges but still had to register (Adjudication Withheld on both charges)
I wasn't convicted of any charges but still had to register

Who said so?
Under what statutory authority (statute number)?
What document memorialized that requirement?

First you need to determine if the requirement for registration was proper since you weren't actually convicted.
Who said so?
Under what statutory authority (statute number)?
What document memorialized that requirement?

First you need to determine if the requirement for registration was proper since you weren't actually convicted.

it happened in 2013, i only had 3 years probation, i went to trial, there no date stating how long i have to register, I wasn't convicted of any charges but still had to register (Adjudication Withheld on both charges)

You can't be placed on PROBATION unless there was indicia of guilt.

Adjudication withheld is legal slight of hand, and quite deceitful to the defendant.

Had you NOT been convicted, you could have never been placed on probation, ordered to pay fines, etc...

There are only two times one can say it wasn't proven that he did it:

1 - a verdict of not guilty
2 - the charges were dismissed

Even then, not guilty doesn't mean one is innocent.

It means the state couldn't prove what was charged.