Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse rehab

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New Member
i have been enrolled in a drug and alcohol class since jan 18th 2010 i have missed a couple of classes due to my sons death we meet once a week. i will have completed that program on june 1 2010. will that count as rehab?
i am no longer taking and medication so i will not ever have a dirty drug test,

i am also sorry for your loss, i dont know how to get through this horrible pain i feel all the time. until i know why he died in his sleep, he was fine that night it might be until june before i know why..

thank you for your help
You need some professional counseling. Even in your short post you have posted as if you are two people talking to yourself. Talk to your rehab counselor and ask where you can get mental health counseling. Going through the death of a child is more trauma than anyone can handle without some counseling. Do not be ashamed, go get help.
I think OP is trying to respond to her previous thread.

Jill, go back to your original thread, and reply there. Then, please delete this thread. It's confusing.

Thanks and good luck. I too am sorry for your loss.
i have been enrolled in a drug and alcohol class since jan 18th 2010 i have missed a couple of classes due to my sons death we meet once a week. i will have completed that program on june 1 2010. will that count as rehab?
i am no longer taking and medication so i will not ever have a dirty drug test,

i am also sorry for your loss, i dont know how to get through this horrible pain i feel all the time. until i know why he died in his sleep, he was fine that night it might be until june before i know why..

thank you for your help

The drug and alcohol classes are helpful.
But, you should seek mental health counseling for the loss of your son.
Ministerial counseling will help, too.
Any minister, rabbi, pastor, priest, or reverend will be happy to speak with you about loss and grief.
You do not need to belong to their church, temple, or synagogue.
That will also help your current legal matter.
But, more importantly, it helps YOU help YOURSELF!
Thank you for your wishes.
Please, get help, and take care of yourself.
What we're experiencing is difficult, but not impossible.
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