Referee hearing. Advice needed


New Member
I have filed for custody and the first court date is scheduled to go in front of a referee. I read that a referee determines and makes a recommendation to the judge as far as custody and parenting time. I have a letter from my employer saying they will work around anytime I am with my son. Will the referee accept that letter? I have read the points of interest that the referee uses to determine custody. Is there anything as far as documents I should bring in? Any certain thing I should say to help me? Any advice would be helpful thanks
I have a letter from my employer saying they will work around anytime I am with my son. Will the referee accept that letter?

If one were to apply the rules of evidence, the letter would be inadmissible hearsay. Whether the referee will strictly apply the rules of evidence is something we cannot possibly predict. A local family law attorney would presumably know, but no Michigan attorneys follow these boards (AFAIK).

Is there anything as far as documents I should bring in?

You should bring everything that you think might be helpful to your case.