I am the owner of 2 rental properties and have had the same tenants for the past 12 years. My problem is that I have been paying a real estate agent a renewal commission ever year. Unfortunately I wish to terminate my arrangement with this agent since he has become very unprofessional. It's almost as if I am "bothering" him when I ask for copies of leases or any other information. I have advised him that I do not wish to continue our business arangement however he shouted that I will HAVE TO pay his commission if the tenants renew or he will sue me. I have wonderful tenants and do not want to lose them but I am angry that I have to pay him a month's rent for each apartment yearly. I never had a signed agreement with him however he informed me that since the tenants were his than I am forced to pay his commission. Actually, he did not even find the tenants. Another man from his office found them but passed away and the current agent resumed responsibility about 9 years ago. I would like to give my tenants a standard lease that I purchased from Office Depot and save the yearly expense. Can someone help?