random drug testing in public schools

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My minor child was randomly selected for a drug test at her public school and I felt that it was unwarrented and refused to allow her to submit. I have been informed that it will be permentently written in her school file as a positive drug result. I do not agree and believe this to be a false statement. Any suggestion on how to pursue this are invited.
Obtain documentation from the school regarding this policy, as well as what authority they are acting under by requiring the test in the first place.

Typically, students that are involved in school sports and other extra-curricular activities can be randomly tested (or forfeit participation if they refuse).

A quick Google revealed that there are active lawsuits in your state from other angry parents on the same issue.
Moose is right. There is no duty to take a random drug test in school. Putting that your child FAILed a drug test because you refused it would be liable. I would contact the county superintendent and explain that you will absolutely sue if this happens. I would ask for a copy of the school policy and ask what authority they used to enforce that. I can't imagine they have the right to do so unless, like Moose said, your child is involved in extra-circular activities where their participation indicates their agreement to test.
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