quick easy divorce if one is not mentally capable.

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New Member
My estranged husband of almost 28 years has had several strokes and is not 100 0/0 there mentally. His live in girl friend of almost 28 years is running up bills and getting everything in her name. I fear he may end up in nursing home or something and I will have to pay all the bills.

He says he is willingly go for a uncontested divorce and this is what I want to do.
Do you think I can do this and what is the process to get it started? I don't want anything he or they have, I'm not worried about her having paper drawn up that house is hers on his death. She got him to get a loan on the paid for house and I don't want to be stuck with that not to mention the high doctor and hospital bills.

Appreciate any help how I can get.

TYVM, sew4u
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