Questions concerning child support orders

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New Member
I am the payee of a disabled man who has to pay child support, i am looking to try and find a way to reduce his child support payments as some of the children he is paying child support for are not even his, and he has been paying for years when he could hold a job. He can not afford an attorney and Legal services won't help him as they helped one of his ex-wives with something. One of the child support orders concerns some children that he adopted, his ex had talked to him about adopting after she found out that he had mental problems. I'm not saying that she deliberately took advantage of him, but I feel that we should go back to court and have this looked at as all the children but possibly one are not his biological children and he is paying a rather large amount of money to this order. Not to mention the fact that she had her lawyer draw up a paper that basically took all his rights as a father except the right to pay child support. Due to the amount of this order and the fact that he hasn't been able to hold a job has left him owing a great deal of back child support. There is another support order that neither of the children are his, but because he was legally married to the mother, he is listed as the father and is supposed to pay child support there too. I basically need to find an attorney that can help us with these problems and am at a loss as where to go, any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Or at least find out if there is anything we can do since due to his disability he never has consulted an attorney to contest any of this.
Is he drawing social security disability? If so each of his children should be receiving a benefit.

He has a myriad of problems and you will not find an attorney on here. He needs to open up the phone book and start calling around but it is highly unlikely he will get any free or low cost help with this if he does not qualify for legal aid. He created some of this mess himself. If he adopted these kids or acknowledged legal paternity of these kids they are his and it is probably too late to back peddle out of it now. Seems to me he has too many kids and he has no way to support them. This sounds like a big mess quite honestly. How many kids with how many different women are we speaking of?
thank you answering, it is quite a mess. There are three different women, the one he found cheating on him and left and never bothered to file for divorce, and so when she had kids, the state said he's married to her he pays the child support. The one that had him adopt her kids, had two thers while with him but admitted cheating on him and so he left. They got divorced and well, she took all rights but his right to pay child support. The third woman he doesn't contest that child being his and is more than willing to support her, he wants to support his children, but is also a little upset at the one woman as it was convenient to admit infidelity after he had adopted. He is on SSI and SSD, and child support is taking over half of his check.
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