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My brother and his ex have joint custody. He has been paying child support, but she does not have the children living with her. She has sent one to live in one city with a sister and the other to live in another city with her brother. My brother is suppose to have visitation every other weekend or with 24 hours notice. He has not seen them for several months, she will not return his phone calls and will only give him her cellphone number since she moves frequently. She has also told my brother several times before that she doesn't want the kids a frequently just leaves them with him especially him son. It has gone so far that he has had them for several months and has enrolled them in school. Then he asks her to file a change of custody so he doesn't have to pay child support and she says she wants them back and ships them off to her relatives. Is there anything he can do? He doesn't have enough money for a lawyer, but makes to much for free or reduced legal fees. Even my parent want custody so they will at least attend schools regualarly instead of moving from place to place.
Your brother has the right to custody if mom does not have the kids.

An attorney will hlep but if he knows what he is doing he can go down to the court and see if they have a family court facilitator or self help law library that can help. He needs to at least complete the paperwork and ask for custody, and have her served. CS does not stop until a court orders it to and mom should not be getting CS if she does not have the kids in her care.
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