Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft question about Second Degree Robbery

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My husband is in prison right now in the state of California, he wants to know if you Can get a 5 year enhancement on second degree robbery?
Is it ever to late to file a Habeas Corpus Petition?

His questions are to much for me.Years ago, not sure of the date, my husband pled guilty to Robbery 2nd but the court messed up when they sentenced him and gave him more time than the statute allowed so they took him back and resentenced him but they also changed his plea, they made the mistake of calling it Robbery 1st. This is what he said to me, I can go dig out his files if I need dates. It makes a big difference because he is currently spending 17 years in prison because he pled to a deal because he was facing 25 to life for a third strike. He has a little under 5 years left. Any help would be great! Maybe someone can direct me or him in the right direction.
Thank You,
What was the 5 year enhancement for? Certainly if they applied it, this is mentioned in the court record?

There are too many possibilities to do more than guess ... it could be because the act involved drugs, guns, gangs, ad nauseum. He really needs to speak with an attorney.

- Carl
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