Question about a vitamin/supplement website and legal issues I may encounter.

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New Member
I am interested in making an informational website. I don't want to give away my specific idea, but the overall topic would be related to vitamins in food, and nutritional supplements.

I am concerned to make this however because of legal issues.

Google and the Federal Trade Commission have been cracking down on this type of website lately, so I am concerned that I might be playing with fire. But I do want to make this website, and I think it will be successful based on my market research, etc.

I DO NOT plan on offering any medical advice. I do not plan on publishing my own opinions, experiment results, biased product reviews, or comparisons claiming that one supplement is better or more effective than another.

All I will be doing is writing about vitamins, providing links to buy supplements that contain these vitamins (through affiliate marketing/referral programs), listing foods that contain certain vitamins, and quoting and citing research articles that have been published by medical professionals, scientists, and government agencies, etc.

So does this sound like it will work, or am I playing with fire?

Thank you for any advice I receive! much appreciated.
It is highly redundant on the surface. Making any type of unsubstantiated claim can land you in trouble. Without specifics, I cannot give specific info to your situation.
You can write whatever you want about vitamins. However, if you are hyperlinking some of your comments directly to these products within your comments, then it is clear that you are correlating the substance of the article to those products. What you may be liable for, if anything, I don't know. The number of people trying to get rich by affiliate marketing supplements is out of control. The only ones that make money are those that truly know what they are doing. If there is a question about the validity and safety of the product, use your own judgment.
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