We have an employee who is 60 years old-he has a physically demanding job and is having many health issues, including severe obesity, back problems, etc. It is becoming more and more obvious he is no longer capable of doing his job. Pretty much he does the absolute minimum now, and sits in his office when there is not an immediate, assigned task to complete. (He never was what you might call a go getter). For all his shortcomings, he is a loyal, long time employee and we aren't going to just kick him out on the street, but he thinks he is going to work another five years, and that can't happen either. We are a small company and have no alternate job to give him. We have long term disability, and I intend to try to qualify him for that, but does anyone else have any advice? Mostly I want advice on what to say/not say when we have the conversation. The bosses are of course nervous about being sued. I think their fears are exaggerated, but anything I can give them to allay their fears helps.