Business Contracts Public Restrooms Phoenix, AZ


New Member
A business chain out here in AZ, (deleted), does not offer public restrooms, and insists that customers go to a different business. I know according to the ICC IPC chp 4, sec. 403, table 403.1, it shows that a business is required a certain number of water closets per number of maximum occupants. What state official or group should I ask about this problem? I have seen children, and women have to go running to a different business to take care of nature.
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Lots of retailers do not offer public restrooms and post this in and out of their stores. There are many legitimate reasons to do this. Your options are to use restroom elsewhere, go before you get there or hold it
Nothing in that code says a retail establishment HAS to provide facilities for the public. Many stores do not, and will often post a sign saying so.
Sorry but not illegal..........................