Property sale sabotage

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New Member
I have a piece of property for sale in upper Michigan 4 hours from me. My mother gave this to me after my father died. They had it for sale for many years and gave up because someone was removing the signs and the property could not be located. I have put the property up for sale myself but before I did I went up there to try to find it. There is a home in the back and upon talking to the lady of the house I found out that they were responsible for removing the sign because they want the property and do not want neighbors, in the same note they wanted to give me a couple hundred bucks for a piece of property worth a little over 20,000 dollars. I said no and listed the property, since then the man of the house has gone to the real estate agents office and argued with my agent about listing the property, also when someone does go see the property he drives down to them and proceed to tell people all kinds of stuff about the property like for one that it floods and to my knowledge it does not, there is a bridge to the property that is not rotten and he had a deer blind on the corner where he said it floods. He is causing me problems can I sue him for the price of the property and be done with it?
can I sue him for the price of the property and be done with it?

You can try, but you're not likely to succeed. More likely is you could obtain an injunction restraining him from contacting your realtor or or going on your property to interfere with your real estate sale.
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