Proof of Damages

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New Member
I own a restaurant in California. A customer left a jacket behind. When he called about it we told him that we had it. Before he arrived to pick it up someone (probably an employee) stole it. He wants me to pay him $1,400 for the jacket or he will sue me. He is a lawyer. My question is does he have a case and how can he prove that the jacket cost him $1,400. If he shows me a receipt how can he prove that the receipt was for that particuliar jacket? Also does depreciation devalue the amount of the claim.
He wants me to pay him $1,400 for the jacket or he will sue me. He is a lawyer. My question is does he have a case and how can he prove that the jacket cost him $1,400.
He does have a case since you confirmed that the jacket was in your possession when he called about it. If he can prove to you that he paid the $1,400 then you will have to pay that amount. Clothing in general do not depreciate because it is not considered an asset. As far as how can he prove that the receipt he is presenting is for the jacket - have him present all the back ups so you can confirm that.
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