pressler & pressler

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NO I have Proof that Pressler and Pressler LLP is operating Debt Collection Agency ILLEGALLY in New Jersey. That is not unfounded and if they were a Doctor running without the proper paperwork Pressler and Pressler would be in PRISON right now.:yes: For a Judge to say it is ok for them to operate the way they do the Judge HAS to be corrupt and/or paid off.

The Courthouses in New Jersey are still collecting on Judgements based on the organized crime ring run by Orazio Lembo and Pressler and Pressler. In other words the Judge and courts in New Jersey are saying it is ok to commit fraud. NO PROBLEM. If Pressler and Pressler LLP obtains your info FRAUDULENTLY they have no right or claim to anything and you can fight these thugs because they obtained a JUDGEMENT based on FRAUD.

It is no use arguing with you, you obviously work for Pressler and Pressler or are somehow connected.:eek:
The Orazio Lembo scandle happened over 2 years ago. Pressler bought information that told them who was banking at a certain bank (don't remember which one). They then used that information to immediatly levy on all the accounts that matched people they had judgments against. The thing is, once Pressler has a judgment, they can send a court officer to every bank in the state in an attempt to locate any funds you have... then levy them. The Lembo thing was illegal, and I'm sure Pressler felt the legal ramifications of dealing with him, but it really just sped the process for Pressler. No one had a judgment placed against them as a result of the Lembo scandle.

As for the proof you have that Pressler is operating an illegal debt collection agency... I would love to hear it. I gaurentee they have all their legal affairs in order... after all, they are a law firm.

Once last thing, if they obtain a judgment based on fraud, yes... you can dispute the judgment and attempt to have it vacated. However, that does not automatically invalidate the judgment. A judgment is a judgment.
Here we go...

First, everyone thanks a million for your actions and posting them to help others(aside from debthelper of course!). I am a victim of Pressler & Pressler and New Century and am looking for some answers - maybe you can steer me in the right direction.

As all your literature said, they never produced proof they own his debt. They seized my bank account (at Commerce Bank in New York) indefinitely for double the amount of my original debt, and Commerce still sends him statements every month that DO NOT reflect the account was seized. They also seized the joint account of my girlfriend and I at the same bank.

We only knew of New Century "owning" my debt once we looked at the accounts and saw they had been seized - the bank gave us Pressler's name and number. We didn't call before doing a little online research and saw they had some sketchy dealings. We wound up sending both P&P and New Century the equivalent of a Motion to Prove, which they answered with some copies of my credit card statements - NO PROOF.

We looked up the case online in the NY Civil Court case directory and saw that it had been disposed (does anyone know if this means it was closed?) - and this disposition was filed 5 months before they seized the accounts (Feb. 2007). We are now at a loss as to what the next logical steps would be. We still cannot access those accounts and to make matters more complicated, we have since moved to California so can't really be going to court in New York.

Any advice and/or references you could offer would be wonderful. Thanks again for your time and info. (can anyone remove debthelper from this forum???)
Is this Pressler and Pressler Address, I just wanted to check:

Sheldon Pressler
323 Lakeside Blvd.
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Hi DandyD . . . . . . . . .

this may help with your case. I am not sure what dispose means, but if you can't find it on google. Call the Local College Law School/Dept and I am sure if you ask someone working there they will have more knowledge of law and be able to tell you what it means. Or you could try calling a REAL lawyers office and ask someone.

Also I wanted to let you know that it is ILLEGAL for Pressler to collect your supposed debt from your girlfriend and they definitely can't sieze your joint account that also belongs to your girlfriend. They have no legal claim to your girlfriends income. This is just more information that you should know for your benefit. I guess what I am saying is that is also illegal.

For instance, lets say Joe owes me a dollar I can't legally take that dollar from his friend. I can only collect the dollar from Joe because Joe and I had the agreement. Joe owes me the dollar, if I try to in any way take money from Joes friend because Joe owes me a dollar I am breaking the law. It is illegal to collect a debt from one person on behalf of another. When they went into your account you and your girlfriend are seperate people and they were breaking the law. This is basic law and any REAL lawyer will confirm what I just told you.
Also I wanted to let you know that it is ILLEGAL for Pressler to collect your supposed debt from your girlfriend and they definitely can't sieze your joint account that also belongs to your girlfriend. They have no legal claim to your girlfriends income. This is just more information that you should know for your benefit. I guess what I am saying is that is also illegal.

For instance, lets say Joe owes me a dollar I can't legally take that dollar from his friend. I can only collect the dollar from Joe because Joe and I had the agreement. Joe owes me the dollar, if I try to in any way take money from Joes friend because Joe owes me a dollar I am breaking the law. It is illegal to collect a debt from one person on behalf of another. When they went into your account you and your girlfriend are seperate people and they were breaking the law. This is basic law and any REAL lawyer will confirm what I just told you.

Well... you are getting closer, but are still half wrong. It is not illegal for Pressler to seize a joint account. If a judgment debtor's name is on the account, it can be seized. What the debtor must do is file an objection, then show what portion of the funds were contribued by the joint account holder. That is where you are correct, you cannot collect a judgment owed by one person from another. The funds that are established as not the judgment debtor's are unexecutable, and will be released.
Hi, but where are they located, hhhhmmmmmmmmmm.

I was just wondering is this Pressler and Presslers Address in Palm Beach, was he born in April 1930:

(561) 624-1574
(561) 625-8765

Oh and is this Gerald J Felts(born April 1955) address just wondering.



Hi everyone.
SOL question: Pressler & Pressler filed a complaint against me in 2003, and it was dismissed for lack of service. They had it reinstated and I was served 2 months ago.
How does it affect the SOL ? Is the original dismissed complaint considered as the beginning of action?
NJ Rule 1-13-07 says: "A case dismissed pursuant to this rule may be restored after one year only by order upon application, which may be made ex parte, and a showing of good cause for the delay in making service and due diligence in attempting to serve the summons and complaint. The entry of such an order shall not prejudice any right the defendant has to raise a statute of limitations defense in the restored action."

Does it mean that today I can raise a statute of limitation defense? (The DOLA on the account is October 2000)
Thank you for any help in that matter
Hi everyone.
SOL question: Pressler & Pressler filed a complaint against me in 2003, and it was dismissed for lack of service. They had it reinstated and I was served 2 months ago.
How does it affect the SOL ? Is the original dismissed complaint considered as the beginning of action?
NJ Rule 1-13-07 says: "A case dismissed pursuant to this rule may be restored after one year only by order upon application, which may be made ex parte, and a showing of good cause for the delay in making service and due diligence in attempting to serve the summons and complaint. The entry of such an order shall not prejudice any right the defendant has to raise a statute of limitations defense in the restored action."

Does it mean that today I can raise a statute of limitation defense? (The DOLA on the account is October 2000)
Thank you for any help in that matter

It can't hurt to raise it as an issue, but you will most likely lose. Pressler probably made a motion to vacate the dismissal and reinstate the complaint, in which they would have had to explain to the court all their efforts to find you and actually get service. Since you got served, that motion was granted, although it's one of those motions that just gets rubber stamped. So I would still raise a SOL arguement in your answer. As for when the statute begins, it is not when you are first served with the summons and complaint, but rather when a FDCPA notification letter is first sent. Now here is the thing, they will claim that the action started when they sent this letter to the adress you couldn't be served at in the first place. You should argue that you never got this letter, never got served, and had no indication there was ever an action against you. Use the ineffective service in 2003 and the dismissal in your answer as well to support your position. Then say the first time you received any notification was when you were served 2 months ago, and that exceeds the SOL (assuming it does). Hope that helps.
Debt Helper you are wrong. . . . . . .

Just so you know Debt Helper works for Pressler and Pressler and is on another credit board trying to scare and inimitade people. Pressler and Pressler had no LEGAL authorization to go into the bank account of someone who doesn't owe them a debt even if it is a joint account. They have no legal authorization to enter an account of someone that has no contract with them or no legal relationship. That is grand larceny and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When they pulled the account number of your girlfriend and siezed her account even if your name is on it, it doesn't matter whether they say you owe them money or not. She is a completely seperate entity and I would definitely contact a lawyer. Don't listen to Debt Helper they can't do whatever they want. DEBT HELper just wants you to believe that Pressler and Pressler is above the law.
Just so you know Debt Helper works for Pressler and Pressler and is on another credit board trying to scare and inimitade people. Pressler and Pressler had no LEGAL authorization to go into the bank account of someone who doesn't owe them a debt even if it is a joint account. They have no legal authorization to enter an account of someone that has no contract with them or no legal relationship. That is grand larceny and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When they pulled the account number of your girlfriend and siezed her account even if your name is on it, it doesn't matter whether they say you owe them money or not. She is a completely seperate entity and I would definitely contact a lawyer. Don't listen to Debt Helper they can't do whatever they want. DEBT HELper just wants you to believe that Pressler and Pressler is above the law.

If Pressler seized an account they have a judgment against you. Everything I wrote is 100% accurate. LadyJustice is a conspiracy nut with no background in law.
DebtHelper sounds uncouth. I got my information from a lawyer who works for the FTC. I guess you are calling the FTC conspiracy nuts because according to them you, oops I mean Pressler and Pressler broke the law. But you know what go fight it out with the FTC. You won't last for long.

I guess those 11 officials in New Jersey who were arrested were part of your conspiracy theory.


oh and click here to see the story about Pressler and Pressler and New Jersey Corruption.

The only defendent in the lawsuit is Pressler and Pressler. It is not conspriracy it is called the truth.

Did I make the DebtHelper aka Pressler and Pressler employee mad. :D
This is laughable... the first article is about bribery for school boards and city councils. Apparently they are part of the Pressler debt collection conspiracy? Either that, or LadyJustice can't read and just googled corruption and NJ and posted the first hit.

As for the second link, it's a geocities cite about a case from 2005 that was already discussed. I suggest you ask your "lawyer friend" to look it up on westlaw or lexis and find a holding. I assure you, this incident did not shut down Pressler or imprison any employee. However, I bet this is not the only lawsuit (or proposed lawsuit) that was ever initiated against Pressler. They probably get sued, counter-sued, and reported to the ethics committee all the time... yet they continue to operate. But then again, maybe they bought off some city official? Or bribed a school board?
I have a question...will filing bankruptcy stop all this non-sense? I too am a victim of Pressler. I dont know much about debt collection laws and when I was served, I figured that I would wait for my day in court to tell my side of the story. I mean, Ive been to small claims before, what happens is that you make your complaint and then you get a court date in the mail. Next thing I know is that I get a letter from them telling me I had a judgment against me. I called them and tried to work out a payment plan with them but it wasnt enough money for them a month and the man there was very very nasty. I also had a 2nd judgment against me that I was unaware of until they cleaned out my bank account about a week after I found out about the first.

Anyway I realize that alot of people do just go crazy with credit cards, Im not one of those people. The two cards that I got zapped on were used exclusively for my dying mothers medications. Both of those cards were kept in a drawer until my mother was diagnosed in 2000 of lung cancer. Her insurance reimbursed her prescriptions at 80%, but she had to put the money out to get the meds. we were spending on average about $4000 a month on prescriptions for her, all on the cards. when she got reimbursed i signed the check over to the credit card companies, but it was still 20% short, she was on disability and I just didnt make enough $ to pay them off every month so they began to build up, I paid what I could but then whenever I would start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, they uped the interest rate till I was paying almost 33% in interest. I just couldnt do it anymore.

So thats what happened to me. So you see, there was no "high-fiving" while on vacation in hawaii or buying things that were so far above my means as to be ridiculas, there was no fun in watching my mother die slowly as I stood by to watch. So now I get rewarded for helping my mother be somewhat comfortable in her dying days but being screwed. Currently im about 25000 in debt from those days.

So what else am I to do?
Current Case Against Pressler & Pressler In Bergen County, NJ.

I am currently fighting these pariah. You can read the case here at I am not an attorney, just an innocent consumer who did not want to let these people take advantage of me.

I do not know what the debt is that they are talking about. They have given access to my social security number and whatever personal information that they have on their portfolio concerning me to unauthorized individuals on top of everything else.

I am learning as much as possible about the laws that protect me, and the laws that they constantly break and are allowed to get away with because Sheldon Pressler the owner is on the special Civil Committee for the State of New Jersey; and has access to the NJ DMV Records which is extremely scary.

Some rules need to be changed in the courts concerning notifications to defendants, and I will work to try to make those changes as well; but for now it is one slow step at a time with the pariah of Pressler & Pressler, LLP.

It is disgusting to see what these heartless people do to single mothers and fathers, senior citizens and people that do not have a pot to p**s in. They do it just because they can. They go their conventions once or twice a year to learn how to get around the law; and it needs to end.

Recently, I have had to deal with these criminals because they have come after me for a Credit Card Debt that I never had. After filing an action against me in the Civil Court of Bergen County NJ. I have asked a few simple questions; two of the main ones being: 1) Show me the 'validity of the debt', 2) Show me that 'I owe you the debt'. To this day, they still have not done either.

I will keep you posted, but there are some of the documents at so you can get yourself up to speed.

I am always ready to hear advice, criticism and opinion.

Thank you all, and remember we must all stick together.
yes, bankruptcy will help

If you don't own a home, or you don't have a lot of equity in one, you can probably file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, which simply eliminates most types of unsecured debt - credit cards, medical bills, etc. There are income limits, based on family size. If you are above them (which, by your post, you probably are not), you may have to file a Chapter 13, in which case you pay back monthly whatever portion of your debt you can afford, over 3 to 5 years. Since October, 2005, Bankruptcy paperwork is a lot more complex, so you should consult an attorney who specializes in it. (Full disclosure, here - I am an attorney who specializes in it.) In fact, if you consult one who tells you Chapter 13 is appropriate for you, you should seek another opinion. Some attorneys steer people into Chap. 13's only because they're more expensive, and the attorney will set up a payment plan where he/she gets paid first from what you pay the Chap. 13 Trustee.
The actual debtor has the right to claim as exempt, i.e., beyond the reach of a creditor to grab under New Jersey law (NJSA 2A:17-19). You simply send a letter to the Court Clerk, with a copy to plaintiff's attorney, saying, "I claim as exempt (insert amount of $1000 or less) funds levied upon in my account at (name of bank) pursuant to NJSA 2A:17-19." It might take a month or more to see the money back in the account, though.
Just lost to Pressler (PEE and PEE)

:dgrin First, debthelper is from PEE and PEE. NO doubt. "It" has the same arrogant, nasty, snide and smug tone as PEE and PEE's hired vermin.
I knew that the Judge was going to grant the "criminal's" motion because he was so buddy-buddy with him. Actually, consulting him for advice while chastising me for not paying my debt.
Anyway, after reading about the terroristic threats to jail people, I have decided to file ch. 7. I am going to an attorney tomorrow. I CANNOT imagine how upsetting it must be to be under the NAZI-like tactics of these blood-sucking scum.
I am sure more people will turn to ch. 7 for protection from these gestapos. I will finally have peace.
Good luck to all PEE and PEE's future and current victims. They are the devil....complete with horn on their pointy little heads and tails:dgrin :dgrin !
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This is to all VICTIMS of Pressler and Pressler. I am writing a letter to the editor of my local paper for next week. I will be describing the tactics of this so-called law firm, the kangaroo court that I was subjected to today (including the name of the judge) and Pressler's post judgement tactics, threatening jail. All this may be legal at this TIME! But if enough people who are being victimized get off the blogs and into the real media these laws (summary judgement) and the court personnel who act on Pressler's behalf every day in court can be stopped.
I urge all of you to write to your editors this week, your local news station etc. AND more importantly your NJ state legislators. Tell in specific what is being done to you, the consequences of this unethical behavior and asked that they investigate it. This is just a beginning. But complaining on a blog is NOT going to change the laws and court rules that these VULTURES currently operate under. I feel so violated at this point. Thanks.
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