Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Pre-Sentencing Report-Help

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New Member
Any advice for a pre-sentencing report? I read a note somewhere to plea not guilty to as many things as possible in the report so you could appeal it later. Can you plea not guilty when you have already accepted a guilty plea?
Any other advice on this would be appreciagted.
I'm confused.

Normally you work out a pre-sentencing report after pleading guilty.

To plead guilty to charges, and then deny them for pre-sentencing, is a wrong way to go. It may seem you are in denial, and don't want to right your wrongs.

Anyway, more evidence would help us give you better advice.
Thanks. You are probably right, I was just confused about something I had read to that effect. I didn't see how you could do it either, but thought maybe I was wrong.
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