Posting private conversations without consent (minor)

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Virginia

Okay, so I just recently had a private online debate about the topic of circumcision with an adult male and I am a minor. A while into the debate, he got angry because I would not submit to his beliefs on the topic. He offended me in the highest degree possible by calling me a bad parent, a monster, and a self-absorbed monster and all of this was unprovoked. He then posts our conversation on his very public myspace, mine is private, and excludes some of the things that he said to me and excludes the fact that he blocked my profile so I could not reply to these vicious attacks. I also, in the previous messages told him "I am tired of being offended for the time being" and ended the message, to which he responded with even more offending words. My question is, can I sue him for harrassment, since I indicated that I wanted the conversation to end, emotional distress, for all of the hurtful language he used against me, and could I sue him for posting our private conversation on his public myspace without my consent? I have all of our conversations saved, would this work out to my benefit?

Cara - it would appear to me that suing would be a waste of time. How much damage did you suffer, if measured financially? Not much. I'd simply contact myspace and let him deal with your well worded complaint. If you sued, your recovery is negligible and great amount of time involved lost forever...
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