Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession of Paraphanelia

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New Member
Hi, me and my girlfirend were pulled over a few nights ago. When the officer asked to search the car, my girlfriend was honest when asked if we had anything that we were not suppose to have in the car and told the officer that she had a pipe in her purse. The officer wrote her a citation for possession of paraphanelia. This is her first violation of any kind. My question I guess would be, what are the chances of the case being dismissed and due to the fact that she can't afford a lawyer, how should she present her case in court?
What were you stopped for? Did you receive a traffic citation?
How old is she?
What kind of pipe was it?

If nothing else, she will learn to keep her yapper shut as a result of this. The officer can only search your car if you give him permission. Next time tell him to "stick it".
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She is 24, I did not recieve any citation of any kind; however when we were pulled over the car smelled like weed, which it did, thats when they asked to search the car, and the pipe was glass pipe, there was no weed in the car, so it was just a citation for possession of paraphanelia.
Wellif they smelled it then they had enough to search parts of the car even without permission... but they can't get into your purse or other bags without your permission.
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