Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Possession of Marijuana Under 100 Grams in Ohio

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New Member
Ok this is what happened in absolute honesty....

I was on my way to pick up 3.5 grams of marijuana from my girlfriends cousin and he lives in a city where there is a lot of crime and drugs other than marijuana that are much more serious. I know that the guys that he was living with sold a lot more than just marijuana but I was not interested in those drugs because im strictly a pot smoker.

What I did not know was that two of the guys that stayed at this apartment had warrants and the cops were watching the place. So I parked my car out front, got out of my car and walked up to the door. My friend came outside with a baby pitbull in his hands and we started talking and during our conversation smoothly handed him the money and grabbed my bag. I kept talking with him for a few more mins and said goodbye and returned to my car.

I backed out and drove down the alley and immedietly saw a cop parked down the road. At this point I was concentrated on nothing but driving safely because I had just bought weed, had it on me, and saw a cop in my path. There was a road that I had to cross to get to the cop and there was a stop sign at this intersection. I knew there was a stop sign and I knew there was a cop watching in front of me so I made sure to come to a complete stop. As soon as I passed the cop he pulled out behind me and followed me for 2 turns and then rolled me.

I pulled over and waited for the cop to come to my window. He asked me If I knew why he pulled me over and I responded "No Sir" and he went on to tell me that I ran the stop sign that he was sitting by. I responded with "Really???" I was so baffled that he had just given me that as his reason for stopping me because I had no doubt in my mind that I had made a complete stop.

After that he asked me if I had anything in the car he needed to know about fire arms or drugs... etc. I said "no sir" and then he asked me if he could search my car and I responded with "Why?" and he told me that I could refuse or accept so I said NO.

After that confrontation He went back to his car. By this time I had 2 cop cars parked behind me and off infront of me in the distance I could see a cop walking towards me. This cop then comes up to my window and again asks me if I have anything in the car and if he can search it and I said no. He then told me that what was gonna happen was that a dog was going to come sniff around my car and that they would search it if the dog signaled something.

He then told me that he was watching me as I walked up to the apartment talked with another person and traded something. He started asking me what I gave him and what he gave me so I told him he was my cousin and I stoped by to give him a birthday card and that was it. He then started to tell me that he knew what was going on and that there were some people that lived in that apartment that were wanted for drug offenses. So I gave in because by this time I had put 2 and 2 together and I knew if they could pull me over for running a stop sign I was positive I did not run, then how hard would it be for them to bring a drug dog and just say that it signaled probable cause for a search and find the bag? So I gave in and told him I had some marijuana in my ashtray and he took it.

So he started asking me question after question about who I knew there what theyre names were and if I knew some mexican guy. I told him the truth that I only knew my cousin whom I did not give the correct name of. After this he told me that I was going to be cited for possession and running a stop sign. He walked away and after a short wait 2more cops that I had not talked to yet came to my window and told me that they were going to show me 2 pictures of people that they thought I was dealing with. I recognized one of the two but did not know any details of his name or where abouts.

I then asked if there was any chance that these charges on me were going to be waved if I assisted in helping them somehow. They told me that someone was going to call me the next day and that it would be a restricted number and that I had to answer it. They then gave me my tickets and sent me on my way and I am awaiting the phone call tommorow which I have no idea what is going to be about. Any advice on what I should do to get out of this? Im not going to enter a plea until I speak with an attorney but I am scared of this ridiculous event ruining my life. please help

- I should add that this is my first offense ever,.. first traffic violation and first possession charge and I am 19
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Do you know what a paragraph is?

How about indentations?

I can't read what you wrote without getting a head-ache, so I won't.
im sorry I dont have a word proccessor and I was so stressed when I was writing this that I did not stop to think of formatting it
I didn't read your whole post... but it all sounds legit.
As far as the traffic stop, even if you made a complete stop you may have been over the limit line. Also, lots of people think they have made a complete stop when the car is still rolling... go watch just about any intersection and watch the wheels... just about every car rolls the stop.
Aside from that- it seems pretty obvious that you were stopped because of the contact you just had with the friend who was being watched. The police saw him pass the weed to you, and that was a legit reason for the stop as well... they probably just didn't want to come right out and say that at the time.

The best thing you can do is stop talking to them and go talk to a local attorney about your situation.
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