Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse possession of marijuana 2nd offense

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New Member
About a month ago I got charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. I live in New York State. I went to court monday and the judge ACD'd the case with 100 hours of community service. Well, I just got another UPM today. What's going to happen? I won't be seeing the same judge so that's a plus. Is there a chance I could get jail time? If I am to understand the conditions of an ACD, you have to be "good" for 6 months. Obviously I wasn't good considering I got the same exact charge again. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Me too

I am in the same exact boat as you are. I had one UPM and got an ACD in a different town. I got another UPM the other day, and am freaking out about my college loans and what is going to happen to that. I talked to a lawyer, and he said that you could try to have it moved latitudily to a disorderly conduct, which can't affect you in the future as a drug violation can. The cost for the disorderly conduct is about twice as much, but won't hurt your future for getting a job. I've yet to figure out what to do, because I feel that i'd rather take the lower cost because i feel that it couldn't effect me in the long run. Only certain jobs, with security clearance, such as: post office; government; banks; etc., care about drug violations.
so i was charged with possession of marijuana and underage possession of alcohol and my bail as set at 1000... i broke bail with the same two charges in the same town and went to jail got bailed out and im wondering if im going to end up doing some time? im 18 and the charges are less than three weeks apart
All of you need lawyers.

You might also want to voluntarily get alcohol and substance abuse counseling.

Judges like to see people being proactive about their problems!
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