Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Police Harrasment....need advise

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New Member
On January of 2006 I had a party at my house for my 22nd birthday and the party lasted until about 1am or 2am. The cops came and they had to stop the party. I had no problem with that. NO ONE was arrested that night. Well about two weekends ago I had a little gathering at my house and the helicopter kept patroling and going around my house for about three hours. Later that night the cops showed up and when they did there was no one at my house anymore. We had called it a night and there was nothing but three guys in my backyard. So they left and they showed up again that night saying that someone was blocking the neighbors driveway. Remember everyone had left my house already, and I sure was not the one blocking the driveway. Then last weekend on Saturday at approximatley 11pm the cops cruise by my house really slow and flash the lights in my backyard trying to look for something or someone. I looked out thinking someone was pulling in my driveway and it was just them patroling. The next day on Sunday I get a pounding at my door and it was a cop. He went over there talking about we have to many wild parties and that the contacted my Landlord and my landlord gave the authorization to do "Code Enforcments" if it is needed, and that this is a good neighborhood and if they have to clean it up that they will, if that means eviction well the so be it. I am standing there confused and wondering what it is that I have done wrong. Then he tells me that that there has been a series of burgluries in the area and that it is a coincedence that they started occuring when we moved in. I told him that was not true, I have spoken to the neighbors and they assured me that my house was burglurized before we even moved in and other houses have been burglurized way before we moved in. The point is that now they keep patroling my house every night flashing the lights in my yard for no apparent reason. I spoke to my Landlord and he told me that no one has contacted him in regards to no situation of that sort. He assured me that there should be no problems and that he himself has no problem talking to the cops. I just don't want to be dealing with this problem its ridiciulos and I see no need for it. Can I have some type of advise on any legal rights that I have from anyone please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused: :(
It sounds as if they have some type of anymosity towards you because of your parties. I wouldn't let it concern me and I would try to be cordial with the police no matter what they think.
If the police are having problems with parties at your house, they will continue to provide you with the extra attention. Perhaps mellowing out the lifestyle might be in order?

- Carl
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