POA for small claims?

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New Member
I am moving from CT to NC in less than two weeks, but I have a problem with my wedding photographer (not fulfilling the contract, not returning my calls or contacting me in any way, the business phone and website are no longer up and working, etc) so I would very much like to go to small claims and resolve it.

However, since I am moving rather far away, I find it unlikely that I will be able to take time off from work and come back to Connecticut. Therefore, I was wondering if I might be able to either give Power of Attorney to my mother (still listing myself and her as plaintiffs) or if I should just list her as the only plaintiff. The only issue I see there is the fact that I am the one who signed the contract-she, however, did pay for the photographer, and I know we have at least one copy of the three checks which were given to him.

I guess my main question is if I can give her power of attorney and have her represent me in small claims court?

Thank you in advance for any advice.
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