Poa Aunt vs beneficiary niece

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5years ago at the time of my dads funeral my aunt mentioned that I was the beneficiary of my elderly grandmother from years before. My mean aunt is POA over my grandmother who had dementia, Alzheimer's and died ,March 6,2012. She barely spoke to me or acknowledged me around the funeral time although I extended myself to her. I do remember I am my grandmothers beneficiary(after my deceased dad) but should I just wait to hear something from her regarding my grandmas estate ?should I remind her that I remember and ask about anything forthcoming ?how could I handle this in a respectful and dignified manne ?Could she have legally done something to cancel out me as beneficiary without my knowledge? I am intimidated by her and she's mean. Please help.
Yes, it's possible that the beneficiary was legally changed and you didn't have to be notified. I do suggest you have a chat with a local attorney who can help you.
Since your grand mother had Dementia and Alzheimer's any changes made to the wills or beneficiary's may well be invalid. You can speak to the local elder services and explain them the situation or speak to an attorney. There are many well qualified attorneys who will charge nothing to almost nothing to provide and help you resolve the case.
Any further questions that you may have, you can just PM me.
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