please help me

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New Member
i just left my fiance 20 minutes ago and i have no way to get over there to get my stuff! my name is second on the lease and he is tring to say the he can evict me with out giving me and notice. i told him to not touch my stuff but he is anyway. The thing is he has no way to pay for the apartment so should i just tell the apartment managers that he evicted me from the apartment so that i am not held liable for the rent? iam online for a little i have a ride to the haoue at 330 os please im me:confused:
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If your name is on the lease he cannot evict you. If he does not let you in when you go then call the police.

You can discuss with the apartment management what it would take to remove your name from the lease, but whatever you do get anything from thim in writing so they can't tell you one thing and come back and deny it later.
thank you

thank you so very much i am sitting here worried bout all of this cuz i have no clue about any of this. so i should get from him in writing that he threw me out? so that way i am not responsible
It would not hurt to get something from him in writing. It may help you with the complex. Realize that he does not have the ability to absolve you of responsibility to the apartment complex though. If your name is on the lease then you are responsible.
that sucks so i should just talk to the apartment manager about all of this and see what they say and hope it turns out good.
If you are on the lease he cannot evict you. Ask the police to escort you in getting your stuff.
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