Please advise: employer paid paid me but not for all my time there

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New Member
I was working at this satellite office for this online company that works jigs off of Craigslist. I filed out a 1099 form for the IRS for non tax or something "not sure" . The first day there, I worked 6.25 hours with a 45min lunch break counted in already. The second day I got there at 9:00am and I took lunch at 1:15. So along the way home I received a email saying that I'm not a good fit for their company and I was "lazy". So I waited 2-3 business days no check. So I called and left a voice msg. Got a email back saying I well only be paid for the times that I really worked at the site which was 4-5 hours cause I wasn't a hard worker again. I email him back saying I worked more then 5 hours and he completely ignore that part and sends me a check for 50$.
Any advice on this well greatly appreciated. Im trying to get legal advice on Can I sue him for anything? Or just let it slide?
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