Plaintiff attorney add another name 3 times without filing in court


New Member
ibbeen in a default judgement for over 5 years. Didn't know I had one. The second court date was 28 days later and I went to that one to discuss payment never in front of a judge. It's been over five years and a lot of subpoena's later I was able to hire and attorney. I went and got a copy of case and noticed that a year in the case the plaintiffs attorney had added the plaintiffs wife to the plaintiffs name. About 6 months later he added a living trust also. Then the 5th year of the case he added his wife as dba of living trust. The original plaintiff died a year ago.
I told my attorney but all he kept saying was that my statue ran out to do anything. And a settlement was agreed on. After reading trial rule 15, I believe the plaintiffs attorney put fraud upon the court. There is documents that he ask permission from me or the court to add anything and that he failed to notify me or the courts of the original plaintiff dieing. What can I do if anything.
You can discuss your issues with three or four attorneys.
The initial consultation is free.
See what you can learn, then proceed accordingly.
Run it by another attorney & see what he/she says.