Pink Eye

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New Member
I am a healthcare provider. I have been diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis. I have a doctor's note to excuse me from work for 3 days. I would not have stayed home all three days, but my eye is still "pink", it is also still oozing clearish fluid, and it is obvious.

I called in sick on a Friday for a 12 hr. shift. I was off on a Saturday, and now I had to call in sick on a Sunday for a 12 hr. shift. I called in both times with plenty of time. My eye was stuck shut with yellow goop until I cleaned the stuff off with a wash cloth. I have been on antibiotics since Friday. Today is Sunday.

The person in charge called me this morning and asked if I'd be able to work a few hours in the afternoon. The thing is: I CALLED IN SICK!!! DOESN'T HE GET IT, MY EYE IS PINK AND OOZING!!! I WORK IN HEALTHCARE. HOW AM I GOING TO TREAT PEOPLE WHEN I HAVE A CONTAGIOUS ISSUE MYSELF? Help!!!!
P.s. The policy at my job is: a worker can only have two absences within a three month period. I had to call in sick one day in September because my child had strep throat, now i had to call in sick to non-consecutive days because i have a terrible bout with pink eye. I think these two days should only count as one occurrence since it is related to the same thing. Please help me!!!
You'll have to check with HR-that is a pretty strict absense policy but I am not sure what your question is. You'll have to ask them if this can count as one occurance. If your hospital has such a strict attendance policy and you get fired, your only recourse is to find another job.
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