PG -13 Movie

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New Member
On Friday I took my two children and neice to see baby mama in the amc movie theater. While we were waiting for the show to start one of the coming attractions were a rated r movie. the title of the movie was strangers. It was a preview but what they showed was extremely scary. Since that day my children have not slept in their beds and are afraid when they aren't by my husband or I. I called the theater today and spoke to a manager basically he stated that amc choosed the coming attractions and a few other people have complain about it. I can call him back tomorrow and he will tell who else I can contact. Do I have any legal rights on this issue.
I appreciate any feedback.
I don't want to sound too harsh but the movie has a PG-13 rating. Next time, pay attention to the ratings - they are there for a reason and you, as a parent, should have known better. You have no case here.
Unless you feel you have a lawsuit that has a lot of money attached to it, there really is no "legal" recourse here. You can complain to the management of the theater (who likely have little or no say in what is on the preview reel) or to the distribution company.

I find it surprising that your children might be so scared by what they can in a preview ... I am wondering just how young these children were? As the previous poster indicated, perhaps they should have been at least 13 or close to it.

This is an issue to be taken up with the theater management and, perhaps, the film distributor. There is no legal action to be had here unless you have a lot of money to spend on a roll of the dice hoping for box cars.

- Carl
My kids are 12 and 13 not rated r material but I still don't think they should be subjected to this.. when do we stop...
The previews are not rated 'R" - the movie the preview is associated with is.

You can choose not to go to the movies ... or, maybe even show up 5 to 10 minutes after the start time so that you can miss the previews.

I just find it hard to understand how children of that age can be so petrified by a preview!? Chances are they see worse stuff on prime time television.

All you can do is what you have done - complain.

- Carl
My children are 12 and 13 so they should be afraid when go to a movie that is rated pg 13. The preview movie was rated r that was explicit.
I just can't imagine it was that terrifying.

In any event, it's a non-issue from a legal perspective. You can speak to the manager and to the distribution company and voice your concerns. After that, the choices are yours - come late to movies, don't go see PG-13 movies, or avoid movies altogether.

- Carl
I agree I could should show up 5 to 10 minutes later but pay the same price as everybody else and possible not even sit with my children... I disagree with they should have seen worse with public tv... This is not shown at 7:30 at night and the movie STRANGERS preview is very explicit... Should it be shown during a PG 13 showing is my question.
Well, considering the MPAA rated the preview for the PG13 audience ... yeah, it should be shown. Whether you want to expose your children to the preview is a decision you have to make. Since none of us know what the previews contain, you have to make your own decision as to whether you risk the exposure in the future.

Again, you have done all you can - you have voiced your concern. What more do you want to do?

As this is a legal site, and the previews are perfectly legal, you might choose to find a forum that relates to movies, the distributor, or the producers to more accurately direct your concern. As there is no legal issue involved, I don't see that there is any more that can be done here.

- Carl
Yes it was terrifying, especially for a 12 and 13 year old but thanks you for the advice legally I appreciate it.
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