Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Petty Theft Second Offense question!! please help?

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New Member
So when i was 17 i was arrested for stealing a 75$ jacket at the mall.. and was charged with a fine and some community service and classes... but im not sure if it was a misdemeanor or an infraction.. but today i got caught again which was sooo stupid of me..and the retail store has other videos of me from other days taking stuff.. so again it had happend .. so i was convicted for PC 484 a Petty Theft, Misdemeanor... but now i am 20 .... i am really afraid h0w this will go and what will be the consequences... will my petty theft from along time ago be seen please help .. what should be my first step thank you ... and this is in california as welll
What state are you in? And was the other charge while you were considered a juvenile or adult?
sorry, just saw the part where you said CA

If you were considered a juvenile at the last charge then chances are that they may not see the previous charge.

Your first step should be to find a lawyer or apply for a public defender.
second step, get counseling. either go and see a counselor or complete a anti-theft program, like the one N.A.S.P. offers. I did that one and it helped me alot.
Since it was an offense as a minor it may not be second offense. You need to start calling Lawyers. Many offer free consultations get as many as you can. I would also suggest you enroll in an Anti Shoplifting course before court. This will show Judge you have taken action to right your wrong. Always a good thing. I recommend the one offered by NASP.
Radenmmusic said:
So when i was 17 i was arrested for stealing a 75$ jacket at the mall.. and was charged with a fine and some community service and classes... but im not sure if it was a misdemeanor or an infraction.. but today i got caught again which was sooo stupid of me..and the retail store has other videos of me from other days taking stuff.. so again it had happend .. so i was convicted for PC 484 a Petty Theft, Misdemeanor... but now i am 20 .... i am really afraid h0w this will go and what will be the consequences... will my petty theft from along time ago be seen please help .. what should be my first step thank you ... and this is in california as welll
Yes, this is a second offense. However, unless you served time from your original sentence, you cannot be charged with a felony for theft with a prior (PC 666).

Yes, your prior petty theft will probably be "seen" by the court, though it may not be entirely relevant. However, it does show that you have not learned from the previous crime so I would expect the court to be far more harsh with you this time around. A couple of days of jail, and probation with fines, are likely outcomes. If so, future thefts could result in a felony charge.

Time to straighten your ways.
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