Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Petty misdemnaor theft under 300 1st offense


New Member
I got caught stealing worth 30 or 35 dollars it's my first offense cops got called but did not arrest me the store manager had me sign a piece of paper stating I wouldn't return and the cops said it would be up to the state to pick up the charges well they did and I now have court... Any advice as to what will occur with it being my first offense the manager got her the stuff back obviously and I didn't get arrested just want a little advice as what to do?? Thank you
I got caught stealing worth 30 or 35 dollars it's my first offense cops got called but did not arrest me the store manager had me sign a piece of paper stating I wouldn't return and the cops said it would be up to the state to pick up the charges well they did and I now have court... Any advice as to what will occur with it being my first offense the manager got her the stuff back obviously and I didn't get arrested just want a little advice as what to do?? Thank you

The drama continues and has two endings, one on court, one with a civil demand.

So, you stay out of the store for at least 10 years.

You go to court, plead not guilty, hire a lawyer (or ask for a public defender, the court will decide if you're poor enough), admit to nothing, don't discuss the case, meet with the lawyer EVENTUALLY, ask how you can get outta this mess (the lawyer will know), stay outta more trouble while you get through with this, wait!!!!

If your record is clean, you'll get probation, be ordered to pay the state and court some fines and fees (they'll allow monthly payments), get probation, some community service maybe, and be required to take a couple classes on NOT stealing their junk!

That's it, its over, the gorilla will let you be.

For your sake, please don't break their laws. They get upset when you defy them.
I'm curious. How did you learn criminal charges were filed? Did the police cone with a warrant? Did you receive a subpoena to appear in court? Or did you receive a letter demanding payment threatening legal action?
As instructed hire a Lawyer or plead not guilty and request public defender. When you talk to this lawyer discuss your defense options. Be sure to ask about ACD or Diversion as plea options if available.

As AJ mentioned you might also get a letter of Civil Demand from the stores law firm. This is a civil action and unrelated to any criminal case. I am a retail theft consultant and deal with these issues daily and I can tell you that some states do not permit a retailer to seek both prosecution and civil demand. I would have to research to see if your state is one but if you get no letter that is one way to tell. Here is some additional info on Civil Demand
As mightymoose asked, did you get some type of warrant/subpoena to go to court & with a specific court date?
I have 1 criminal damage to property a n the petty theft in the same county took care of the other case that ones closed did my time for that mistake
Something doesn't seem right. If you have not received any kind of official notice to appear in court then you don't need to be there. A warrant would have issued before court date was assigned.
The police did not take you into custody, but did they give you a citation?
You have some phone calls to make to figure out the status of this mess.