personal property

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New Member
have a friends wife who moved out a month ago, he has been paying the bills and now she came back this am and will not let him back in the house and said if he comes back she will say that she is threating her and there daughter. now she will not let him get his personal property? any advice?
He need to very politely explain to Mom that until a court says otherwise, he is legally entitled to return to the marital home - whether it's to live there, or just to pick up his belongings.
have a friends wife who moved out a month ago, he has been paying the bills and now she came back this am and will not let him back in the house and said if he comes back she will say that she is threating her and there daughter. now she will not let him get his personal property? any advice?

If he wants his personal property, he can approach it two ways:

He can request the police to meet him at the residence to retrieve some of his belongings.
The police will usually allow a person 10-15 minutes to take some of their stuff.

The other way, is to go to court and request that he be allowed back into the residence to retrieve his stuff.
A judge will normally issue an order to allow him to get his personal stuff and have a neutral party stand by to oversee it.

She has already threatened him, so he'd be smart stay away form her, and deal with this through his attorney and the legal system.
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