My dad moved into our apartment on 7/8/14 with a oral agreement he would help us out with food, rent, etc. till he could get back on his feet. on 8/26/14 he was arested and booked into jail on probation violations and will be there at least six months. my sister wants to come get all his belongings car motor home personal things ao she can sell them and use the money to pay her rent. in the time he lived here he gave us 140.00 and said when ever we asked for help he did not have any money. he was giving my sister 400.00 a month to help her out. yet lived off us and would not help out even after he said he would. I have refused to give her his belongings and she has contiuned to call and text me daily with threats to report us for stealing his things. i live in bountiful, utah do i have rights to keep his belongings with out legal reprocussions.