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- Jurisdiction
- Texas
Hi, I am just looking at what can possible be done if some on has impersonated a lawyer to my lawyer on a legal matter. It's also come to our attention he most likely impersonated a DA. I lived in Tennessee for a couple years and meet someone. We had a child. He was extremely abusive. I would leave Tennessee and come back to my family in Texas but he would always get me back there. The time before my final leaving and not going back. I came to Texas and was awarded full custody of our child. Going back to Tennessee for that hearing and allowed to have my child in Texas. We lived here for almost a year. I went back stupidly. The abuse got worse. We had only been there maybe 4 months. I finally called the police. He was arrested and I went to the hospital. When I got out I was awarded a emergency protective order. Left Tennessee with my child and the clothes on our back. Got to Texas and immediately got a 2 year protective order. I hired a lawyer here with the last of any money I had. My lawyer called me and said the child had to go back to Tennessee. We never actually saw any court papers from Tennessee only what a " lawyer " had sent. I was afraid I would get in trouble. My dad was a Sargent with the police department here and told me you'd get in a lot of trouble for not following a court order when it came to a child. So we let his parents pick her up. She had already been here for close to 6 months at this point. I didn't have the money to go back to Tennessee and I was scared that now that I had stood up for myself he'd really hurt or kill me if I went back. My plan was to save money and be able to hire a lawyer in Tennessee who could help me. I'm not exactly sure what all happened there as I said I've never seen any court documents about our child in this matter. He after a couple months sent my mother a message stating that the state had revoked my rights as her mother for abandonment. We didn't know anything about court stuff. We believed him. It crushed me. A year or so after that he sent me a message on Facebook asking if I'd let his new wife adopt her. That my child hated me and never wanted to see me again anyways. After a couple months and talking with family. We agreed. Well that never happened. I ended up getting served by Texas child support division for past due support. I had no idea he had even tried for child support. I went to court here in Texas and had a lawyer. This lawyer found out that my x had been impersonating a lawyer to him. He couldn't get ahold of the person he had been emailing back and forth for quite awhile. A lawyer finally did call him back. He stated he has never represented the x and has no knowledge of anything to do with this case. The x had been using a email and the other lawyer letter heading. We went to child support court here to be told by the judge she didn't want a media circus in her court after he had told her what had happened. He has since gone to different courts in different counties in Tennessee to have my child support increased. Which I've been told by Texas they don't know how he is evening having court dates set since Texas has now taken over the child support. There is a law that protects me from that since the last one had me as if I didn't show up I'd go to jail. Tennessee child support can't explain to me how he is doing this as well. The lawyer handling the child support said that some of the documents he could find with a DA on them do not match any DA listed in the state of Tennessee. I also just had to re list my home daycare and a charge from Nashville popped up. For harassment and threats filed by the x. It's from 3/2010. I didn't live in the state of Tennessee nor did I have any clue about this. It's been closed since the limitation are up on it now. Yet on the print out the district clerk gave me for it had me living at a address I didn't live at in Tennessee. I have never been served, given anything from any court in Tennessee. I have only been served the child support from the state of Texas. After seeing a charge for something I've never been aware of my family and I are now wanting some answers. I think my child was taken away from me illegally since I had full custody ( him getting visits with us meeting him half way in Texarkana ) to all of sudden give her to him or else. Once again never notified of a court date for that. Then to my rights being terminated with out even knowing how. To now paying child support based on his saying I made 27 a hour. I just don't know what I can do to get these records to see how all that was done. Then seeing a charge I've never even know about. Him going to court there having my child support highered. I am married now and have young children. I always figured eventually I would make it to Tennessee and try to get something done with my daughter there. I have reached out to him a couple times over the years after the protacive order was up to ask about her. He has always told me she hates you. She doesn't want anything to do with you. I had come to terms with waiting til she was older to try and see her when she'd understand better. Or maybe she'd reach out to me. Just this whole things about harassment and it effecting my life and my income since I've been put on hold working having to get records from there to give to my licensing people. I am really really wondering how legal all of the things he has done are. I don't know where to start. I don't have the money to fly to Tennessee. Hire someone there. Stay there to figure it all out. I get the run around trying to get the court records of things he has filed or not really filed. I also wonder if the letter the lawyer I hired at the start was talking to him and not a real lawyer and she was being duped like the lawyer who helped me with child support here. I just want to know the truth right now. I'm sure my child there thinks I did abandoned her. He has never sent a picture. A update. Anything, he took her and cut me out of her life completely. I'm not asking for custody or anything like that. I just want to know how all this was done and if it was legal because one day I hope I can be in her life some and I want her to know I didn't just give up on her. I just felt helpless and like I had no options. Sorry this is so long but it's been a lot over the years. My daughter being ripped from me and my family was on of the hardest things we have been through. Now we just want to know if it was even supposed to happen. How to go about getting all these court records or lack of. Just want some answers. Thank you so much for reading all this. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.