Pending DUI Drugs Citation Need Help Pls

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New Member
Mine's a tuffie, I think. I was pulled over on September 16, 2008, by a Georgia State Patrol Officer because the police office said I was weaving on the road and it looked like I was falling asleep. He asked if I was tired, and I told him yes, that my baby sister had died two weeks prior, that I was very stressed out, had a lot on my shoulders with helping out my parents and with taking care of my kids. I had been on the go all day and was on the way to take my daughter and I to our psychiatrist appointments. He asked if I had taken any medications that day and I said just my regular daily medications that morning. (I got pulled over at 4 pm). He asked me to write down the medications (Effexor, Lithium, Nifedipine, Neurontin, Metformin). He went to his police car, then I got out, he met me halfway and told me we would be doing a few tests (the sobriety tests). I did the tests and KNOW I passed them. He looked closely at my eyes (I know they were bloodshot, but they stay that way from being irritated from my contacts). Anyhow, then he said I would be under arrest for DUI for drugs. I was shocked beyond belief because all I had taken was my daily prescribed meds. He then told me that we would be going to the hospital to draw blood. He drove me in the back of the police car to the hospital to draw the blood. Then my husband came up to pick up my van and my daughter, and they picked me up at the hospital. The officer issued me a citation for DUI (drugs) instead of arresting me.

The drug test just came back, and the only thing that showed up is my Neurontin and Effexor. I have been taking both for over three years. On their websites, it states that side effects only last a few weeks, so I would not have had any side effect from the medications.

What in the world is going to happen? The lady said I still needed to go to court. Help please!
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