payroll consistantly late

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New Member
I have worked for this company for 16 months and i can tell you things have been bad but in the last 6 months have gotten way worse. When i started once my check bounced and it seemed like it had hardly happened and i was new so i didnt realize how bad things were. Well for sure the last 3months my paycheck has been 4-10 ays late. My boss gives us are checks and then tells us oh no funds are available you will have to wait. So when funds become available we cash our checks. Which 1. of my questions is how do we have a trail if we are trying to cash our checks and the banks tells us there is innsuficant funds. We get pd every other monday and today i cashed my check but should have been pd monday the 5-4-09. Question 2 he is no longer paying our over draft fees and return check fees so what do we do. I pesonally know he made 500,000.00 last year and monthly for at leat the last 3 months at least 30,000.00 a month now we are told that we are top priorty to get pd but i open the mail and see all the bills coming in and every thing is 120 days past due. i would love to tell him him really what i thin kbut where can i go and get a job making what i make off the street, but i am looking if that helps.

Well if you need more info to help me please let me know i am very lost and dont know where to look for guidance.
I know it is not the answer you want, yet your situation probably won't get better with your present employer. I'd suggest the hunt for new employment now. You most likely have seen just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the troubles of your current employer.

How many employees are in the company? How do the others feel about what is happening? Have all of you considered a group confrontation with the owner and express your concerns. If the owner is agreeable to open up with his employees then you may be able to work through the troubles with him if everyone is willing. If the owner becomes defensive, then this is a sure sign that ALL is not well and it is time to get out.

Best of luck...
well there 3 & a part-timer and 1 took lay off since our checks werent cashing and since it had been over a week late so know 2 and a part-time. and yes we all feel the same way but where are you going to find work. I am just wondering if and what i need for proof for unemployment and can he get into trouble since he is issuing checks that ase no good. I know for a fact he is robbing peter to pay paul and its a matter of time. And as for confronting him we have and he insured us that we had job security. my thing is who doesnt have job security when you work your ass off for free
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