Pay rate dispute

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New Member
First off I would like to give thanks in advance for any advice that may be given. My question/story is somewhat complicated so I will try to be concise.
I work for a large, non-profit organization in Los Angeles, in logistics position. I recently transferred into this position in December of 2007, having worked two year prior in another department. I was transferred over at my normal pay rate of $13.50/hr. When I was hired, the responsibilities and pay rate were explained to me by the supervisor and the departmental head (I interviewed with both separately). One of the functions provided by the department was to drive the shuttle buses, if the normal shuttle bus crew was unable to, which requires a class B license. [We have a very large campus, which includes a Tram to move guests, visitors and employees to and from the site. We also have a shuttle bus that is used mostly for employees, and also for non-employees if the tram breaks down or otherwise. My organization sub-contracts out the shuttle bus driving to outside company, and my department only drives the buses in case of a tram shut down, when there would be an immediate need to have several more buses (and drivers) in operation.]. Back to the interviews, it was explained to me that employees in the department are paid at certain rates per their accomplishments. A 3 day HazMat training class was required, than an employee was moved up to Hazmat completed - $15.07 hourly rate. Also, a class B would bring certain pay increases, having a class B would move you to a class B – unscheduled driver pay rate of $15.98 hourly, and to be scheduled to drive as a back up driver (in case of tram shut down) on a pre-set schedule would move you up to class B – scheduled driver $16.98 hourly. At the time, was not required to get a class B license, but it was expected, and myself and another employee who was hired around the same timeframe as me were both pressured hard to get the class B license. In other words, it was "required" in everything but name.
I finished my Hazmat training class in February and received my $15.07 rate, then I got my license at the end of the same month, but was not scheduled due to a delay from my company's security department and the contractor that operates the shuttle buses (the security department is the liaison between the contractors and my company). The contractors ask that any of the Getty employees take a two hour "training" class with one of their supervisors, basically on their company policy/procedure of driving the buses. The class is conducted onsite, and includes driving the bus around the campus. This class was scheduled a few times and was delayed due the contractor being unavailable. I finally took it the last week of March. During/since this time, I did not receive any other rate than my Hazmat completed $15.07 rate.
Now as for the scheduling; I originally was slated to be on the class B back-driver schedule starting the first week of April. I, along with everyone everyone in my department, including my supervisor (who made the schedule) and the department head was given this schedule. I was then taken off the first few weeks, because as mentioned, I was not able to take the contractor-requested class due to delays by the contractor. I was re-scheduled to be a back up driver starting Tuesday, April 22, the first week of that two-week pay period, during which my pay rate would be bumped up all the way to the to class B – scheduled driver $16.98 hourly rate. Yesterday, Tuesday, I was told about between 9 and 10 in the morning that he had just received word that from the HR department that I was to pulled off of the schedule. The reason given was that there had been a decision made by the department managers not to okay any pay increases in the department, until they reviewed the budget next month. They were going to re-evaluate the entire class B scheduling program to be re-evaluated.
I asked to speak to my HR representative, who told me (along with my supervisor, who accompanied me) that this decision had been made sometime within the last week to two weeks, but due to miscommunication, no one had notified myself or my supervisor. To further complicate matters, the departmental head who hired me recently left the company a few weeks ago for another organization. This is part of the reason being as to why I received no notification or otherwise. The department head was late or either put off processing the paperwork in to increase my pay, and did not submit it until the 15th of April (a few days before he left).So when I went to the new departmental head to ask questions, he was not able to tell me anything different from the HR representative, other than to wait until the budget meeting next week and see where the chips fall.
I am inquiring as to whether I am entitled still to the class B – scheduled driver $16.98 hourly at all. I believe I would still be entitled to the class B – unscheduled driver $15.98 hourly rate since I have driven the shuttle buses around the company property.
I am sorry if I have been too long in my explanation, I tried to be as brief as I could.
Again, thank again for advice that may be given.
This was too hard to follow. Did you drive at all "unscheduled" during April?
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