patient registration/responsible party pay

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I have a question about the legality of a contract between a medical clinic, a third party and myself; and in the end who is ultimately responsible for the bill?

Just over a year ago I signed up for medical services at a local clinic.

Prior to registration, an agreement was made between a third party and myself about having a treatment done. And if it was decided to be done, that it was understood that the bill would be paid for by them. In which, I agreed. Also, in part it was stated that in order for this process to begin, they needed to contact the clinic's billing office to set up payment arrangements prior to the first appointment.
After they did this, I found out exactly what was said and understood to be done and paid for by the third party and the clinic.

So at the time of registration and first appointment, with the third party on the phone; they were named and listed as the, "Responsible Party", and guarantor; with their address; phone nomber; the company they work for; and their authorized signature. I signed and authorized this party to discuss payment of the account on record. Following completion of the form, I questioned the clinic's office prior to signing the form and asked them as to whether or not if it was clear as to who would be taking care the bills for the discussed care on the account. And their reply was affirmative, otherwise I wouldn't be needing their services.

Now, services have been received as well as the bill. The clinic has received a few payments from the third party toward the bill however, there still is an outstanding balance owed. I had went as far as collecting the payments for the clinic to get them their money; as well as having the third party sign a written contract with me promising to pay the clinic the amount owed for the services I received. The clinic has a copy of this contract.
Prior to any of this happening though, I had questioned the clinic as to why they had been sending me the bills and why not to the, "responsible party"? Their response to this was that the "third party", was not a spouse nor, a legal guardian. (This is why I started collecting payments for the clinic in the first place). They also stated to me that they wanted me to be aware that if this bill goes to collections, that it would be in name!

Can they legally do this? What should one do or have done differently to avoid this. I feel tricked and taken advantage in a nightmare scheme. I took as many precautionary measures as I knew how to do and being disabled on limited means makes it worse.
There is no way to protect yourself from a debt that is incurred for service or good that benefits YOU, and NOT another party. Well, there is one rock solid way, do what practitioners of the oldest profession do, get the money up front.

Had you expected the service to cost $5,000, you could have gotten said 3rd party to give you a $5,000 cashiers check. You could then have prepaid the service with the guarantor's money thereby eliminating any billing.

You received a benefit from the medical service rendered, not the other party. It's your debt.

You can, however, file bankruptcy in an effort to eliminate the debt, assuming you're eligible to do so.

Otherwise, it's still your debt no matter how you've tried to package it.

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