Parking tickets 10 years old


New Member
I just received a letter from the parking violations branch of Philadelphia about parking tickets that were not paid 10 years ago. The car no longer exists. The tickets were turned over to the law office of crystal moroney p.c.for collection. I do not reside in pa,am I still liable after all these years?
If you live in PA and the state has the power to suspend your driver license because of unpaid parking tickets, there is no statute of limitations. So, yeah, you pay. Or risk losing your license.
If it is just a letter from a collector you don't have to do anything.
Bury it under a slab of concrete and forget it ever arrived. You might go another 10 years.
Personally I would not respond in any way. Doing so just gives them more reason to pursue you.
I don't live in pa

According to Penn Dot only registrations get suspended for unpaid parking tickets, not driver licenses. So you are in the clear there.

However, according to Philadelphia Parking Authority there is no statute of limitations on parking tickets so you can be sued for it.

Up to you if you want to take the chance and bury it under a slab of concrete.

How much do you owe?
Just s bit about ignoring the letters... Do not ignore a summons or other official court document.
Usually the letters are only demand letters that are generated by the collector that threaten legal action. Those letters are meaningless.
Always read the letters and determine exactly what it is you've received.
Collectors will always give the most attention to the people who reply to them. Stay off their radar.