Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Paraphenelia charge

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New Member
Ok so today my house was raided by cops with a search warrant i wasn't home but my sister and roommate were. my roommate was trafficking marijuana and got busted for that and paraphernalia. My sister got charged with paraphenelia because it was in her room but he was also living in her room. she didn't admit to the pipe being hers and said she wanted a lawyer.

I need a good strong case of getting her out of that ticket because the pipe wasn't hers and there is no evidence besides the fact it was in her room. please help i love my sister and she doesn't deserve to get caught up in this.

thank you.
if you and your sister knowingly lived with someone that deals drugs out of your house then you knew or should have known the consiquences of your actions. i say pay the ticket and thank the judge for not charging all of you with drug trafficing.
I take it the parephenalia was written up as a misdemeanor and not a civil infration or "ticket."

I totally disagree with lsushawn. You should hire an attorney, or at least consult with one. Many will give you a free consultation.

If the boyfriend takes ownership of the parephanalia you should be able to work out a deal with the prosecutor, or have the charges dropped.

Your sister made a good first move by asking for a lawyer, and not cooperating with the police.
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